what is the design process?
+For custom blog designs:
You will need to add me as a blog administrator, and I will design your blog live, so you will be able to follow the process and see the changes as they occur. I will be emailing you, asking you for your feedback on the design, what you would like to change, what you'd like to add, etc. We will need to be constantly corresponding with each other so that the design turns out just how you'd like it to.
What can I do?
Explain to me the best you can how you'd like your site to look. Scope the internet and collect info, websites that inspire you, color combinations, images, then include them in the order, to give me an idea of what you want, after I've replied to you.
Doing this will help me see what your visions are, it will help me make them come alive. And, it will also speed things up.
Do you have any templates?
No, I don't, not yet.
What are the costs?
Currently I do not charge for anything.
Any Questions?
Contact me with any questions you have. If you open up my eyes to something that should be on my FAQ page, I might add it to this page, along with my answer.